Friday, November 20, 2015

Heading Home!

We received the visas today and will fly home tomorrow. We arrive at 12:22 am (technically early on 11/22) on Spirit flight 596 from Fort Lauderdale. No time to write now, must get ready to go!

Edit: I have a few minutes now... We expected to get our appointment at the US embassy on Monday 11/23, especially since the embassy was closed to visa applications today. But for some strange reason they asked us to come in today at 9 am. We were the only people there, in a waiting area that could seat hundreds. They asked a few questions, captured the kids fingerprints, and told us to come back at 3 pm to pick up the visas! Usually this takes another day.

Then we went to visit San Mauricio again, the orphanage where the girls lived for the past few years. The girls got to visit with all their friends, and say goodbye. This was very important to them, so we made it happen. We spoke with the counselors who have worked with the kids over the years, which was very helpful. Also, we toured the facility... although clean and functional, it is very primitive. Very basic living conditions, almost third world. No photos, they would only make you feel sad. I was nearly in tears just being there. However, the staff seems very kind and the overall environment was much quieter than where we have been living in Bogota. We met many of the girls friends, and lots of other kids came up to see us and say hello. The children are beautiful, friendly, and inquisitive. One sweet 12 year old girl named Nicole had a pretty smile and was excited to learn some English from us - if it weren't for the paperwork nightmare I'd bring her home too! There are some great kids waiting for a loving family!

Then we drove back to the embassy to pick up the visas... but the guards would not let us in! They kept saying the embassy was closed and nobody was there, despite our appointment card clearly showing the date/time of our meeting. It took 45 minutes of phone calls to finally find someone to insist that the guards let us in. Then we learned the visas were waiting on approval from Washington DC. We waited until 4:45 when the approval came through and they issued the paperwork, just 15 minutes before the embassy closed!

Finished! After nearly two years of work, we are ready to return home with the kids.

Back at the apartment I searched the Internet for good flights, both in terms of times and price. Spirit  Airlines is the only reasonable choice for tomorrow - so I quickly purchased tickets.

It has been an excellent adventure, but we are all ready to go home. I'd like some breathable air, from both altitude and pollution perspectives! It will be nice to be speaking English again too. The kids are excited to see their home, play with the dog, make new friends, and start school.

1 comment:

  1. Your family will have the most amazing Thanksgiving. Please know that we love you, Kim, Mandy, Mayra, Rocio, Tim, the dog and the stuffed animals. Have a good trip home and give the girls a hug from us.
